1. Watch a Video

English Lession with Harry Potter



[Words & Phrases]

- dashing = stylish and attractive in exciting way

- fraternize: to be friendly with someone

  • It is usually unwise to fraternize with your employees.

- pluck up the courage: to force yourself to be brave enough to do something, although you are frightened or worried about it

- last resort: the only choice that remains after all other alternatives or solutions have been tried


[Engagement Points]

- I bet she's alone in her room, crying her eyes out.

  • I bet = I'm pretty sure

- We'd take the mickey out of her if she did.

  • To take the mickey out of somebody = to mock somebody, to laugh and make fun of somebody, especially in an unkind way

- I would've taken her myself if she weren't so bloody proud.

- Would you care to do something?

- the whole point of something

- off to bed = go to bed



2. Repeat Phrases

올리버쌤 영어 꿀팁 - It just hit me (EBS English)



[Engagement Points]

- It just hit me that I have a test tomorrow. (자발적으로 떠올랐을 때, 무릎을 탁치는 느낌)

  • It just hit me that = I just realized that

- After getting fired from my job, it hit me that I wasn't following my dream.

  • After watching his speech, it hit me that I confined myself in a box, named others' path to success.

- That reminds me. I need to call Frank. (타인이나 상황 때문에 생각났을 때)




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