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Book Summary: Sapiens by Yuval Noah Harari



Book Summary: Sapiens by Yuval Noah Harari

This is a book summary of Sapiens by Yuval Noah Harari. Read this Sapiens summary to review key ideas and lessons from the book.



[Words & Phrases]

- On the verge of: very close to experiencing something

  • The company was on the verge of going bankrupt.

  • The child was on the verge of tears.

  • We were on the verge of divorce.

- hunch over: round one's back by bending forward and drawing the shoulders forward = hunch forward, hump

- trajectory: the curved path along which something (such as a rocket) moves through the air or through space

- gorge on: to eat something eagerly and usually to excess

  • gorge on high calories

- forager: a person or animal that goes from place to place searching for things that they can eat or use

- expedition: an organized journey for a particular purpose

- spawn: to cause (something) to develop or begin = to produce or create (something)


[Engagement Points]

- the Cognitive Revolution: Homo sapiens conquered the world because of its unique language. The Cognitive Revolution occurred between 70,000 to 30,000 years ago. It allowed Homo sapiens to communicate at a level never seen before in languageAs far as we know, only Homo sapiens can talk about things we have never seen, touched, or smelled. Think religions, myths, legends, and fantasies.

- Human cultures began to take shape about 70,000 years ago.

  • take shape: to start to develop a more clear or certain form

- Evolutionary psychology claims that most of our psychology was developed during the period before the Agricultural Revolution about 10,000 years ago.

- iron law: a law or controlling principle that is incontrovertible and inexorable (철칙)

  • iron laws of historical necessity

  • incontrovertible: not able to be doubted or questioned

  • controvert: to say or prove that (something) is untrue

  • inexorable: not able to be stopped or changed





2. Watch a Video

Learn English Through Movies, Inception



[Words & Phrases]

- inception = origin, starting point

- auxiliary: available to provide extra help, power, etc., when it is needed (보조의, 보조자)

- wind up = end up

- break in: to illegally enter a place or building, especially in order to steal something

- turn on

1) turn on (something) or turn (something) on : to cause (something) to work or flow by pressing a button, moving a switch, etc.

  • She turned on the lights/computer/radio/water.

  • We turned on the heat in the house.

2) turn (someone) on or turn on (someone) informal : to cause (someone) to feel excitement or enjoyment : to be appealing to (someone)

  • What kind of music turns you on? 

3) turn (someone) on to (something) : to cause (someone) to use or become interested in (something) for the first time

  • She turned him on to water-skiing.

  • He was turned on to cocaine by an acquaintance.

4) turn on (someone or something) : to attack or criticize (someone or something) in a sudden or unexpected way

  • The dog suddenly turned on its owner.

  • The rock star's fans began to turn on him.

5) turn on/upon (something)

: to be determined or decided by (something)

  • The outcome of the election turns on [=depends on] how well the candidates perform in the next debate.

: to have (something) as a main subject or interest

  • The discussion turned on the question of how the money should be spent.

6) turn (something) on (someone or something) : to use (something, such as a weapon) to harm, stop, or kill (someone or something)

  • Fire hoses were turned on the protesters.

  • He killed three people before turning the gun on himself. [=before shooting himself]

- projection: something that is imagined or created from your ideas, thoughts, feelings, etc.

  • projections of my subconscious

- converge on: to meet or come together to form a crowd or group

  • Six police cars converged on the accident scene.

  • Reporters from five different news sources converged on her after the game.

- infiltrate: to secretly enter or join (something, such as a group or an organization) in order to get information or do harm


[Engagement Points]

- The more you change things, the quicker the projections start to converge on you.




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