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The Red Queen Effect: Avoid Running Faster and Faster Only to Stay in the Same Place



The Red Queen Effect: Avoid Running Faster and Faster Only to Stay in the Same Place

The Red Queen Effect explains why you need to work harder and harder just to stay in the same place. Here's how to escape the trap that so many of us fall into.



[Words & Phrases]

- sequel:  a book, movie, etc., that continues a story begun in another book, movie, etc.

- heed: to pay attention to (advice, a warning, etc.)

- prop: to support (something) by placing it against something else or by placing something under it (받침대로 떠받치다, 받침대); an object that is used by a performer or actor or that is used to create a desired effect in a scene on a stage, in a movie, etc. (소품)

- complacent: satisfied with how things are and not wanting to change them (자기 만족적인)

  • The strong economy has made people complacent.

  • We have grown too complacent over the years.

  • a complacent smirk (만족스러운 웃음)

  • We can't afford to be complacent about illiteracy.

- anemia: a condition in which a person has fewer red blood cells than normal and feels very weak and tired (빈혈증)

- ripple effect: a situation in which one event causes a series of other events to happen (파급효과)

  • These kinds of crimes create a ripple effect throughout the city. [=they cause more crimes, problems, etc.]

- cornerstone: something of basic importance

  • Trust is the cornerstone of their relationship.

- mutation: a change in the genes of a plant or animal that causes physical characteristics that are different from what is normal (생물학: 돌연변이)

- malady: a disease or illness

  • The patient was suffering from a mysterious malady [=ailment] that the doctors were unable to identify.

  • unemployment and other social maladies

  • disease = disorder: catchable or infectious - e.g. cancel, diabetes

  • sickness = illness = malady:  the condition/perception of the disease (how you feel/look like, or how someone else looks like)


[Engagement Points]

- The Red Queen Effect (붉은 여왕 가설): 스탠퍼드 경영대학원의 윌리엄 바넷 교수가 처음 제시한 것으로, 경쟁 환경에서 뒤처지지 않기 위해서는 끊임없이 진화해야 한다는 의미를 담음.

- “Bees have to move very fast to stay still.” (by. David Foster Wallace)

- However fast they went, they never seemed to pass anything.

  • however = no matter how 

  • however/no matter how + 형/부 + 주 + 동: 아무리 ~하더라도



2. Watch a Video

What Makes "Generation Z" So Different? | Harry Beard | TEDxAstonUniversity



[Words & Phrases]

- staggering: very large, shocking, or surprising 

- cog: someone or something that is thought of as being like a part of a machine, often used to describe someone who is regarded as an unimportant part of a large business or organization

  • He was an important cog on that championship team.

  • He's just a cog in the machine.

- reiterate: to repeat something you have already said in order to emphasize it

  • reiterate a claim/view/point


[Engagement Points]

- genuine passion

- beyond the box

- Rosa Parks (1913-2005): Called "the mother of the civil rights movement," Rosa Parks invigorated the struggle for racial equality when she refused to give up her bus seat to a white man in Montgomery, Alabama.

- Greta Thunberg: the Swedish teenager who skipped school and inspired an international movement to fight climate change. She has become a leading voice, inspiring millions to join protests around the world.




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