[ 문제 ]


6. _______________ the schedule 일정을 잡다

a) budget

b) carry

c) run

d) commit



7. He brought ______ an issue at the meeting.

a) about

b) to

c) up

d) in



8. ______________ the resignation 사의를 표명하다

a) excuse

b) expand

c) expose

d) extend



9. J. K. Rowling who wrote the Harry Potter series is highly __________ writer in the world. She has won more than 20 awards.

a) authorized

b) regarded

c) delegated

d) carried



10. preside over the meeting 의 동의어

a) defer

b) adjourn

c) chair

d) start




 request the pleasure of your company 의 뜻은 무엇일까요?

주관식으로 대답해보세용~





[ 해설 ]


6. (a) budget the schedule 일정을 잡다 


7. (c) bring up 화제 등을 꺼내다, 양육하다

- bring about 문제나 일을 야기하다

- bring in 사람을 영입하다, 수익을 창출하다 


8. (d) extend the resignation 사의를 표명하다


9. (b) highly regarded 높이 인정받는 


10. (c) preside over the meeting = chair = moderate 회의를 주재하다


추가 질문. request the pleasure of your company. = 당신이 참석해서 자리를 빛내 주세요.



다섯 개 중 몇 개나 맞으셨나요?

도움이 되셨다면, 다음 문제들도 기대해주세요~

이웃추가와 하트도 눌러주세요! :-)

리딩 잡고 토익 만점 갑시다!!!




'Learning English > TOEIC 문제풀이' 카테고리의 다른 글

[1] 토익 리딩 문제풀이 #1-5  (0) 2021.02.10



친구의 토익 공부를 도와주다가 여러 교재를 바탕으로 몇 가지 문제를 만들어 보았습니다.

Part 5와 Part 6에 나올만한 문제들이니 풀어보시고 답도 체크해보세요~! :-)



[ 문제 ]



1. ________________ an agreement 계약을 맺다

a) sign

b) reach

c) enter into

d) attend



2. gain an ____________________ of ~를 잘 알다, 이해하다

a) advantage

b) appointment

c) arrangement

d) appreciation



3. credentials 의 동의어

a) proficiencies

b) requirements

c) references

d) diplomas



4. Since Jenny has lived in many countries, she has a strong _______________ in several languages.

a) degree

b) process

c) allowance

d) command 



5. The bus is bound ______ Gangnam station.

a) to

b) on

c) for

d) at





[ 해설 ]


1. (c) enter into an agreement 계약을 맺다

- agreement가 '계약'이라는 뜻으로 쓰입니다. agreement에는 (1) 동의 (2) 협정 (3) 계약 이라는 뜻이 있습니다.


2. (d) gain an appreciation of ~를 잘 알다, 이해하다

- appreciate가 '이해하다'라는 동사로 쓰입니다. appreciate에는 (1) 인정하다, 평가하다 (2) 감사하다 (3) 이해하다 (4) 증가하다 라는 뜻이 있습니다.


3. (b) credentials = requirements = qualifications 자격 요건


4. (d) have a strong command in several languages = multi-lingual 여러 개의 언어를 할 수 있는


5. (c) be bound for ~로 향하는

- be bound to ~할 것이다



다섯개 중 몇개나 맞으셨나요?

도움이 되셨다면, 다음 문제들도 기대해주세요~

이웃추가와 하트도 눌러주세요! :-)

토익 만점 갑시다!!!



'Learning English > TOEIC 문제풀이' 카테고리의 다른 글

[2] 토익 리딩 문제풀이 #6-10  (0) 2021.02.11




서울특별시 중랑구 6호선 끝자락 화랑대역 근처에 있는 영어 스피치 동호회 '화랑대 토스트마스터즈'입니다.

현재는 코로나로 인해 온라인으로 진행중이에요^^ 부담없이 게스트로 참여해보세용!



Toastmasters Hwarangdae

Good Time Meetings with coffee, tea and snacks. Oh, we also have lunch together after the meeting but not during covid19 ;( ;( 



인스타그램 @hrd_toastmasters 에서도 소식 업데이트 받으실 수 있어요~




** 직장인, 학생 등 나이 상관없이 진행됩니다. 현재 대학생부터 50대까지 다양한 나이대로 구성되어 있고, 70세 이상 멤버분도 있었답니다~ 부담없이 참여해보세요! **



문의사항 있으시거나 참석 원하시면 오픈카톡으로 연락주세요! 가장 빠르게 답변 드려요~^^ 



화랑대 토스트마스터즈 게스트 문의 (HRDTM)

게스트 문의 환영합니다! 위치: 서울시 6호선 화랑대역 Open to Guests Inquiries! #직장인영어회화 #영어회화동호회 #누구나








[Impressive Sentences]

- I determined that I had two paths to choose from. The first was to treat my teams better, improve their output, and hope that over time others would follow my example. The second path was to find a way to influence how entire companies treat people. I chose the latter path because I believed it would give me the greatest chance of affecting the most people, and decided to find a job in human resources.

- Welch and Conaty had implemented a 20-70-10 performance ranking system, where GE employees were sorted into three groups: the top 20 percent, the middle 70 percent, and the bottom 10 percent. The top workers were lionized and rewarded with choice assignments, leadership training programs, and stock options. The bottom 10 percent were fired. Under Immelt, the forced distribution was softened and the crisp labels were replaced with euphemisms: "top talent," "highly valued," and "needs improvement."

- Google is the most sought-after place to work on the planet.



[Words & Phrases]

- amass:  to gather or collect (something, such as a large amount of money) especially for yourself

  • I amassed a random walk resume that could best be described as a guidance counselor's nightmare.

- stumble into: to start doing something by chance, without having intended to do it

- muster = collect

  • muster enough courage

  • They pushed the car with all the strength they could muster.

- stagnant: not flowing, active, changing, progressive

- toil: to work very hard for a long time

- alongside: at the same time as, together with

- posh: very attractive, expensive, and popular

  • poshest university

  • They live in a posh neighborhood.

  • I stayed at a posh hotel.

- intriguing = extremely interesting, fascinating

  • found my background intriguing

- nuts = crazy

  • I was nuts.

  • She's going to drive me nuts [=make me crazy; make me go insane] with her jealousy.

- latitude: freedom to choose how to act or what to do

  • He gave me tremendous latitude to explore the company.

  • We weren't given much latitude in deciding how to do the job.

  • The judge has wide/considerable latitude to reject evidence for the trial.

- acclaimed: strongly praised 

  • Her performance was acclaimed by the critics.

  • a highly/hugely/widely acclaimed play

  • the city's most acclaimed restaurants

- stringently = very strictly or severely

- lionize = to treat (someone) as a very important and famous person

- euphemism:  an innocuous(=inoffensive, harmless) word or expression used in place of one that may be found offensive or suggest something unpleasant (완곡어법)

- vaunted = very good

  • The team's vaunted defense faltered in the second half of the game.

  • falterto stop being strong or successful = to begin to fail or weaken

- permeate: to pass or spread through (something)

  • The water permeated the sand.

  • The smell of baking bread permeated the kitchen.

  • A feeling of anxiety permeated the office as we rushed to meet the deadline.

- secrecy: the act of keeping information secret

- disseminate: to cause (something, such as information) to go to many people

  • The Internet allows us to disseminate information/news/ideas faster.

  • The findings were widely disseminated.

- unprecedented: not done or experienced before

  • Fortune has named Google the "Best Company to Work For" an unprecedented five times in the United States.



[Engagement Points]

- dot-com boom: The dot-com bubble (also known as the dot-com boom,[1] the tech bubble,[2] and the Internet bubble) was a stock market bubble caused by excessive speculation of Internet-related companies in the late 1990s, a period of massive growth in the use and adoption of the Internet.

- arrows in a quiver

  • "You guys are all like arrows in a quiver. Every one of you is the same."


- Six Sigma: a set of tools to improve quality and efficiency.



[Relevant Articles]

1. Walk Me Through Your Resume



Walk Me Through Your Resume - How to Answer

Find out the best ways to answer 'walk me through your resume'. This question can make or break the interviewer's first impression of you so be prepared.







1. Read an Article



The Peter Principle and The Dilbert Principle, what are these?

Find out what The Peter principle is and also what The Dilbert principle is. Two fun theories about incompetence that will make you laugh and think.




- The Peter Principle, also known as The Peter principle of Incompetence, claims that people who do their job well are promoted to positions of greater responsibility, and so on, until they reach a position in which they are incompetent, so they remain stuck in that position.


- For example, a devoted mechanic who is promoted to the position of manager. From his new position, he gets in the way of the work of his subordinates; he is also unable to remain still and he is continually doing things that he is not meant to do, this way, he is not making it easier for these employees to work. In the end, neither he nor his employees can carry out their jobs so they end up totally frustrated.


- In order to reduce the effects of the Peter Principle, some companies opt for solutions such as getting managers back to their previous positions or rewarding the most productive workers with a pay rise rather than a promotion. Another option is to train these people in order for them to stop being incompetent in that new position; In order to achieve this, it is very important to be aware of one’s own inability to do that job.


- The Dilbert Principle is just a variation of the Peter Principle; and it emphasises that incompetent employees are intentionally promoted to prevent them from causing harm.



[Words & Phrases]

- comic strip: a sequence of drawings in boxes that tell an amusing story, typically printed in a newspaper or comic book


- coin: invent or devise (a new word or phrase)

- variation: a change in amount or level




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